20 Years Later

Twenty years ago today, my Prep class walked the stage. I pulled out some pictures (from an age when we actually printed pictures) and tried to remember what it felt like to be 18.

I didn’t own a car.

I didn’t own a cellphone.

I wasn’t a coffee drinker yet 🤣

I was heading home for another summer of 70-hour work weeks. This girl was NEVER taking a student loan (that’s a “never” that actually came true 🙌)

I was most definitely NEVER getting married. I would finish MLC but I might just start the first WELS convent instead of taking a Call upon graduation.

I was definitely going to put those four full years of Latin to good use.

I for SURE wasn’t 4 months away from meeting my husband.

I for SURE wasn’t going to be a mom.

Choir was life, so I for SURE wasn’t going to quit choir after 1 semester of college 🤣

I would NEVER lose touch with my friends (actually, most of them I haven’t ❤️)

And most definitely, never would I ever marry a pastor and be settled back in Watertown by the 20-year mark… #oops

Cheers to 20 years tonight, my zero-one friends!


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