2020 Strikes Again

Libby has been quarantined since Tuesday evening (got the call on the way home from therapy). She’s been in close contact with someone at school who tested positive – which is not a shocker to anyone. She needs lots of assistance, she holds hands, she needs touch and hugs and closeness. There is no suchContinue reading “2020 Strikes Again”

Everywhere You Go

Popping in for a quick second to drop a little sunshine. Because who couldn’t use some extra sunshine? Fun fact: Tuesday was a big deal for a lot of reasons, but in our little corner of the world, it was ALL about celebrating this little beauty’s 9th birthday. Then on Wednesday I was doing thatContinue reading “Everywhere You Go”

When It’s Just Time

When do you know it’s time? For a social media break, that is. I often see posts (especially in the last few weeks!) from friends announcing their departure from social media, either permanent or temporary. I find myself wondering – what was the straw that broke the camel’s back? What was the tipping point? WasContinue reading “When It’s Just Time”


This little beauty has a big Dr. appt today that Mom & Dad are kind of dreading…. Could I ask for prayers? It’s not an emergency or anything concerning, it’s very routine, but it’s usually just very challenging for her. My reasons for asking are twofold. I mean, prayers never hurt The general rule withContinue reading “Reverse-Psychologing”

What’s Bringing You Joy?

When I was back in Minnesota last month seeing my people and filling my cup, Cara asked me a question that stopped me in my tracks. “What’s bringing you joy lately?” I wasn’t surprised she would ask such a question, because she’s that kind of friend who wants to skip over the fluff and getContinue reading “What’s Bringing You Joy?”