Happy 10th Birthday, Libby!

Birthdays are always a little hard to believe, but this one is the HARDEST yet! Of course it’s true what they say, and I never doubted it: the years go by in a blink. But TEN?!? That’s a number I just really can’t wrap my mind around. For today (and for all the days), justContinue reading “Happy 10th Birthday, Libby!”

thoughts || on turning T E N ||

What the? How the? Why the? I’m struggling hard with this number. Most moms do, I’m guessing, but I may be wrong. I really don’t know a whole lot about what most moms do or feel or think. I’m lost in my own little world of being Libby’s Mom a lot of the time. SoContinue reading “thoughts || on turning T E N ||”

Fall 2021 Field Trip

Today, Libby had her first field trip today in… 4 years I wanna say? In 1st grade I think she skipped because it was childrens’ theatre and Libby doesn’t “do” clapping. (Seriously – don’t start a round of applause when she’s around ) In 2nd grade, I think the field trip was to be inContinue reading “Fall 2021 Field Trip”

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

About a year ago I printed this one out and cute-washi-taped it to her door. It’s one of the most beautiful pics everrrrrrr of her, and I want to see it always. Every time I’m about to charge in and yell. Every time I’m leaving in tears. Every time I’m feeling lost or hopeless. EveryContinue reading “Fearfully and Wonderfully Made”

thoughts || on Mothers Day ||

This. Read if you’re a pastor. But definitely read if you’re a mother Mothers Day is a million kinds of hard. Mothers Day is a million kinds of good. Every mother has her own story about her own good and her own hard, and it can feel near impossible to say the words, or writeContinue reading “thoughts || on Mothers Day ||”

I Didn’t Know When I Woke Up

May 1 is a day for celebrating in this house. I didn’t know, waking up, that I had just finished my last night of GREAT sleep for many, many years to come. I didn’t know, getting ready for work, that the nursery I walked through would officially be HERS by the time I came homeContinue reading “I Didn’t Know When I Woke Up”